Prof. Dr. Andrew W. H. Ip,
University of Saskatchewan,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canada
Prof. Andrew W. H. Ip received his PhD from Loughborough University (U.K.), MBA from Brunel University (U.K.), MSc in Industrial Engineering from Cranfield University (U.K.), and LLB (Hons) from the University of Wolverhampton (U.K.). Dr Ip was awarded in 2015 “Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury” and “Thailand Award for Best International Invention” in the 43rd International Exhibition of Geneva, and he was awarded the “Natural Science Award ” in 2013 Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards by the Ministry of Education of Mainland China. Dr. Ip is visiting professor of Civil Aviation University of China, South China Normal University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Honorary Fellow of the University Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group. He is Professor Emeritus and adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan and principal research fellow of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a chartered engineer, senior member of IEEE and member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and members of various professional bodies in mechanical and electrical engineering. He is Editor in Chief of the journal of Enterprise Information System (SCI index), Taylor & Francis; Founder & Editor in Chief of International Journal of Engineering Business Management (ESCI & SCOPUS index), SAGE.

Vijayan Sugumaran, Ph.D.,
Department of Decision and Information Sciences
School of Business Administration
Oakland University
Vijayan Sugumaran is Distinguished Professor of Management Information Systems and Chair of the Department of Decision and Information Sciences at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. He is also the Co-Director of the Center for Data Science and Big Data Analytics at Oakland University. He received his Ph.D. in Information Technology from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA. His research interests are in the areas of Big Data Management and Analytics, Ontologies and Semantic Web, Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems. He has published over 275 peer-reviewed articles in Journals, Conferences, and Books. He has edited twenty books and serves on the Editorial Board of eight journals. He has published in top-tier journals such as Information Systems Research, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Education, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Multimedia, and IEEE Software. Dr.Sugumaran is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. He is the Chair of the Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems mini-track for Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 1999–2023). Dr.Sugumaran has served as the Program Chair for the 14th Workshop on E-Business (WeB2015), the International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2008, NLDB 2013, NLDB 2016, and NLDB 2019, NLDB 2023), 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2018), 14th Annual Conference of Midwest Association for Information Systems (MWAIS 2019), 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Service and Applications (BDS 2019), and 2022 Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference (MWDSI 2022). He also regularly serves as a program committee member for numerous national and international conferences.

Prof. (Dr.) Srikanta Patnaik
I.I.M.T., Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Prof. Srikanta Patnaik is Director of I.I.M.T., Bhubaneswar, India. He has received his Ph. D. (Engineering) on Computational Intelligence from Jadavpur University, India in 1999. He has supervised more than 30 Ph. D. Theses and 100 Master theses in the area of Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Soft Computing Applications and Re-Engineering. Dr. Patnaik has published around 100 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He is author of 2 text books and 55 edited volumes and few invited book chapters, published by leading international publisher like IEEE, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic, etc.. Dr. SrikantaPatnaik is the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Information and Communication Technology and International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics published from Inderscience Publishing House, England and, Editor of Journal of Information and Communication Convegence Engineering and Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (JIFS), which are all Scopus Index journals.
He is also Editors-in-Chief of Book Series on “Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technology” published from Springer, Germany and Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering (ACEE) and Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (AMTCP), published by IGI Global, USA.
He is a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He is also Fellow of IETE, Life Member of ISTE, and CSI. Dr. Patnaik has visited more than 20 countries across the globe and visiting professors to some of the universities.

Dr. B. B. Gupta
Department of Computer Engineering,
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
(Institute of National Importance), India.
B. B. Gupta received PhD degree from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in the area of Information and Cyber Security. In 2009, he was selected for Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and awarded by Government of Canada Award ($10,000). He spent more than six months in University of Saskatchewan (UofS), Canada. He has published more than 90 research papers (including 1 book and 14 chapters) in International Journals and Conferences of high repute including IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, Springer, Inderscience, etc. He has visited several countries, i.e. Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, Hong-Kong, etc to present his research work. His biography was selected and published in the 30th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World, 2012. Dr, Gupta received International travel grant award from various organizations i.e. Microsoft Research (MSR) India, ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) ($525), DST, Govt. of India (Young Scientist travel grant award) (2-times), CSIR, IITR-heritage fund to attend various conferences and present his research work worldwide. He is also serving as Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) (IGI Global), US, Associate Editor of IEEE Access journal and IJICS, Inderscience and Executive Editor of IJITCA, Inderscience. He is also serving many journals as editorial board member and as member, international advisory board. Moreover, he is serving as reviewer for Journals of IEEE, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, etc. Currently he is guiding 11 students for their Master’s and Doctoral research work in the area of Information and Cyber Security. He also served as Organizing Chair of Special Session on Recent Advancements in Cyber Security (SS-CBS) in IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), in 2014, and 2015 in Japan. In addition, Dr Gupta received Best Poster presentation award and People choice award for Poster presentation in CSPC-2014, Aug., 2014, Malaysia. He served as Jury in All IEEE-R10 Young Engineers' Humanitarian Challenge (AIYEHUM-2014), 2014. He has also served as founder and organizing chair of International Workshop on Future Information Security, Privacy and Forensics for Complex Systems (FISP-2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) in conjunction with ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF-2015). He has also served as Technical program committee (TPC) member of more than 20 International conferences worldwide. Dr Gupta is member of IEEE, ACM, SIGCOMM, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), Internet Society, Institute of Nanotechnology, Life Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Life Member, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT). He also worked as a post doctoral research fellow in UNB, Canada. He was also visiting researcher with Yamaguchi University, Japan in 2015 and with Guangzhou University, China in 2016, respectively.
At present, Dr. Gupta is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (Institute of National Importance), India. His research interest includes Information security, Cyber Security, Mobile/Smartphone, Cloud Computing, Web security, Intrusion detection, Computer networks and Phishing.

Dr. Milan Simic,
PhD Electronic Eng (EE), GradDipEdu, MScEE, BScEE
RMIT University, STEM, School of Engineering, Melbourne, Australia
Professor: MB University, Faculty of Business and Law, Belgrade, Serbia
Adjunct Professor: Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
Dr Milan Simic has PhD, Master and Bachelor in Electronic Engineering, as well as Graduate diploma in Education. He has comprehensive experience from industry (Honeywell Information Systems), Research institute and academia, from overseas and Australia. Dr Simic is currently the General Editor for Knowledge Engineering Systems (KES) International Journal,Program Manager for Master of Engineering (Management), Associate Director of Australia-India Research Centre for Automation Software Engineering, Associate Editor for Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT) International Journal, and few more. Dr Simic is conducting research and teaching in Mechatronics that is a comprehensive engineering discipline, which includes the following scientific areas in his work -physical systems modelling, autonomous systems, biomedical engineering, robotics, intelligent transportation systems, green energy, information theory, wireless transfer of energy, engineering management, and education.In addition to international publishing leadership role, research, program and course management, Dr Simic is conducting multidisciplinary teaching, currently lecturing mechatronics, electronics and management subjects in the School of Engineering. He has received teaching awards for academic performances at the University and award for the provision of educational services to the Australian community. He has also received number of industry transition grants, research grants and research awards. He has more than 115 research publications including 5 books. His publications cover international journals, books, book chapters and conference proceedings from the areas of Autonomous Systems, Biomedical Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Digital Communications, Electronics, Green Energy Production, Mechatronics Engineering, Management, and Engineering Education.DrSimic is a programs committee member for a large number of conferences, organised by KES International, and by other scientific organisations. He is reviewer for many international journals, books, research grant schemes, as well as national PhD programs in few European countries.
Dhananjaya Sarangi presently working as Chief Technology Officer at World Skill Centre, Bhubaneswar. .He received his MCA degree from NIT, Rourkela in 1989. He is having 30 years of rich experience as Head of IT in various reputed MNCs both in India & abroad. Professor Sarangi was Head of IT of Hindalco Industries, a Aditya Birla Group company located at Hirakud, Odisha for both its Smelter & Power plant and then relocated to Malaysia as Head of IT for its Palm Oil Edible Oil and Oleo Chemical division. Subsequently professor Sarangi moved to Singapore as Head of Business Information System of Palm Oil Business of RGE Pte Ltd Singapore. Professor Sarangi has vast experience mainly focused on IT Strategy, IT Project Management, IT Planning & Governance, IT Infrastructure Management, Business Transformation, Change Management, People Management, IT Policy & Security, Vendor Management, ERP implementation etc. He has undergone various training& seminars from reputed institute like NTU-Singapore, IIM-Kolkata, NITIE-Mumbai, Human Synergistic International- Bangalore, NityoInfotech-Singapore. Currently Professor Sarangi is continuing his PhD from Birla Global University (BGU), Bhubaneswar, and Odisha. Professor Sarangi has travelled various countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam & Australia.
Prof. Pramod Kumar Prusty is the Dean Academics of IIMT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. He has received his Ph.D degree from Utkal University, Vani Vihar on Accounting and Finance based topic. He has supervised five Ph.D Scholars. He is the Author of 35 Research Articles and 3 Test Books i.e., Management Accounting, Cost Accounting and also Advanced Cost and Management Accounting which are useful for CA , CMA and MBA Students. He has supervised more than 300 Projects in different Disciplines. Prof. Prusty has Chaired as Key Note Speaker in many Conferences within the Country. During his Professional Career Prof. Prusty has performed his job as a successful Academician and Administrator around 40 years in different Govt., Govt Autonomous Colleges including Ravenshaw and also in different reputed Educational Institutions as Prof.and Dean of Commerce.

Prof.(Dr.) Jagamohan Pattanayak,
Dean (Administration & Student Welfare)
IIMT, Bhubaneswar
Prof Dr Jagamohan Pattanayak is a prolific writer, poet and accomplished researcher. He has 8 research publications in National & State journals. He has been awarded PhD degree in participation and status change in development process, a study of tribal’s in koraput district, odisha. He was the research fellow of Tribal development Department, Ministry of welfare Govt of India. He is an illustrator in both Academics and Administration. With an exceptionally mentoring career leading to nearly four decades, he has held an administrative position as principal in Sri Jagannath Degree College, kaipadar khurda. Prof Pattanayak was conferred with prestigious award as best NSS programme officer, odisha for his selfless service to the society. Prof Pattanayak conferred with Law degree founded an institution to provide free legal service to the stranded people to establish their view. He has planted Twelve Thousands saplings over 7 acres of lands. He has attended 12 National Integration camps across India, he is being acclaimed by distinguished honour in social service being a counselor of IGNOW Odisha State Open University, he has been with students for continuous Learning.